Sustainable Value Analysis of Policy and Performance in the Agricultural Sector
SVAPPAS is the acronym for Sustainable Value Analysis of Policy and Performance in the Agricultural Sector. This EU financed Sixth Framework project, running from February 2007 till February 2010, brings together nine research groups from different European countries, including Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Hungary, Italy and Finland.
In SVAPPAS the Sustainable Value approach will be applies on a large scale in the agricultural sector in Europe for the first time. In this project IZT acts as one of two methodological experts. Together, the nine partners aim to conduct sustainability assessments in the agricultural sector on three different levels: the farm level, the regional, sector, national and cross-national level as well as for policy analysis. The core objective of the project is the development and adaptation of the Sustainable Value methodology for the assessment of sustainability performance and policies in agriculture. This leads to following sub-objectives:
- Developing and adapting the sustainable value methodology, an existing framework for the assessment of sustainability at farm, sector, national or cross-national level;
- Testing the methodology for different case study areas;
- Assessing the data needs and data availability to arrive at a standard approach for sustainability analysis of farms and farm policies.
The project is structured into three major parts. The first part focuses on the further development and adaptation of the Sustainable Value approach for sustainability assessments in the agricultural sector. In the second part the approach will be empirically tested at different levels of analysis. The third part of the project centres around dissemination of the results and the methodology.
Please click on the logo to visit the SVAPPAS project website.