
In this section, you can find recent project-related publications for free download.


Sustainable Value in Automobile Manufacturing

(3rd Edition)
The third and updated edition of the survey “Sustainable Value in Automobile Manufacturing. An analysis of the sustainability performance of automobile manufacturers worldwide” assesses the sustainability performance of 17 major automobile manufacturers worldwide using the Sustainable Value approach over the period of 1999 to 2010. It gives an overview of the methodology of the Sustainable Value approach as well as detailed information on its application in the assessment of automobile manufacturers. Please click on the icon on the right to download the study (English version).


Sustainable Value Creation by Nordic Companies

Our new study on Sustainable Value Creation by Nordic Companies has been published. The study assesses the economic-environmental performance of 89 companies across different sectors from the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden using the Sustainable Value approach. In this study, we concentrate on the creation of Sustainable Value with economic capital used and corporate emissions of carbon dioxide and therefore align corporate contributions to climate change with the valuation methodology applied to investment and financial market decisions.

Please click on the icon on the right to download the study (English version).


Sustainable Value Creation by Pulp&Paper Companies

The study “Sustainable Value(CO2) Creation by Pulp & Paper Companies” has been published in November 2011. It assesses the carbon performance of 25 major pulp & paper companies worldwide using the Sustainable Value approach over the period of 2005 to 2009. It gives an overview of the methodology of the Sustainable Value approach as well as detailed information on its application in the assessment of pulp & paper companies. Please click on the icon on the right to download the study (English version).


Sustainable Value Creation by Chemical Companies

The “Sustainable Value Creation by Chemical Companies” assesses the sustainability performance of 9 major chemical companies worldwide using the Sustainable Value approach over the period of 2004 to 2007 on the basis of a set of 13 financial, environmental and social resources. It gives an overview of the methodology of the Sustainable Value approach as well as detailed information on its application in the assessment of chemical companies. Please click on the icon on the right to download the study (English version).

Some of the key results of the survey are also presented on this website. Click here for an online overview of the Sustainable Value and the Return to Cost Ratio of chemical companies worldwide.


Sustainable Value in Automobile Manufacturing

(2nd Edition)
The second and updated edition of the survey “Sustainable Value in Automobile Manufacturing. An analysis of the sustainability performance of automobile manufacturers worldwide” assesses the sustainability performance of 17 major automobile manufacturers worldwide using the Sustainable Value approach over the period of 1999 to 2007. It gives an overview of the methodology of the Sustainable Value approach as well as detailed information on its application in the assessment of automobile manufacturers. Please click on the icon on the right to download the study (English version).

Some of the key results of the survey are also presented on this website. Click here for an online overview of the Sustainable Value, the Sustainable Value Margin, and a ranking of the Sustainable Value Margin of automobile manufacturers worldwide.


Sustainable Value in der Automobilproduktion

(2. Auflage)
Auch die zweite Auflage der Studie ist auf Deutsch erhältlich. Sie beinhaltet neben einer ausführlichen Präsentation der Ergebnisse eine detaillierte Darstellung der zugrunde liegenden Methodik und des Untersuchungsdesigns. Bitte klicken Sie auf das Bild, um die zweite Auflage von “Sustainable Value in der Automobilproduktion. Eine Analyse der nachhaltigen Performance der Automobilhersteller weltweit” als pdf-Dokument herunterzuladen.

Création de Valeur Durable des Constructeurs Auto

(Résumé et Résultats Clés)
Un résumé et une présentation des résultats clés de l’étude sont disponibles en français en cliquant sur l’image à côté.


Sustainably Successful?

The survey “Sustainably Successful? Analysing, measuring and managing corporate sustainability with the Sustainable Value approach” gives an overview of the methodology of the Sustainable Value approach and its application in the NeW-survey. It also presents the results of an assessment of the sustainability performance of 28 German companies with the Sustainable Value approach. Please click on the icon on the right to choose between a full version of the study (in German language) and two short versions of the survey (available in English and German).



The ADVANCE survey provides an overview of the methodology, results and major findings of the environmental assessment of 65 European companies from the manufacturing sector with the Sustainable Value approach. Please click on the icon on the right to choose between a full version of the study (in English language) and two short versions of the survey (available in English and German).


As part of the ADVANCE project, we have also published a practice-oriented handbook of Sustainable Value calculations. “The ADVANCE Guide to Sustainable Value Calculations” gives you a short introduction into the Sustainable Value-approach and guides you through the five steps it takes to calculate Sustainable Value. Please click on the icon on the right to download the handbook.