Journal Articles
- Figge, F. , Thorpe, A., Manzhynski, S. & Gutberlet, M. (forthcoming): The us in reUSe. Theorizing the how and why of the circular economy, Business Strategy and the Environment. Free download here.
- Figge, F., Thorpe, A. & Manzhynski, S. (2021): Between you and I: A portfolio theory of the circular economy, Ecological Economics, 190, 1-9. Free download here.
- Figge, F., Thorpe, A. & Good, J. (2021): Us before me: A group level approach to the circular economy. Ecological Economics, 179, Free download here.
- Manzhynski, S., & Figge, F. (2020): Coopetition for sustainability: Between organizational benefit and societal good. Business Strategy and the Environment. Free download here.
- Figge, F. & Thorpe, T. (2019): The symbiotic rebound effect in the circular economy. Ecological Economics, 163, 61-69.
- Figge, F., Thorpe, A., Givry, P., Canning, L. & Franklin-Johnson, E. (2018). Longevity and Circularity as Indicators of Eco-Efficient Resource Use in the Circular Economy. Ecological Economics, 150, 297-306.
- Figge, F., Givry, P., Canning, L., Franklin-Johnson, E., & Thorpe, A. (2017). Eco-Efficiency of virgin resources: A measure at the interface between micro and macro levels. Ecological Economics, 138, 12-21. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.03.016.
- Franklin-Johnson, E., F. Figge and L. Canning (2016). Resource duration as a managerial indicator for Circular Economy performance. Journal of Cleaner Production 133: 589-598.
- Hahn, T., Preuss, L., Pinkse, J., & Figge, F. (2014). Cognitive frames in corporate sustainability: Managerial sensemaking with paradoxical and business case frames. Academy of Management Review, 39(4), 463-487.
- Figge, F., Hahn, T., & Barkemeyer, R. (2014). The If, How and Where of Assessing Sustainable Resource Use. Ecological Economics, 105, 274-283.
- Liesen, Andrea (2014): Climate Change and Financial Market Efficiency. Business & Society. Published online before print November 25, 2014, doi: 10.1177/0007650314558392
- Barkemeyer, Ralf; Figge, Frank; Hahn, Tobias; Hoepner, Andreas; Liesen, Andrea and Neher, Agnes Lucia (2014): Operationalizing Socially Responsible Investment: A Non-financial Fiduciary Duty Problem. In: Hawley, James; Hoepner, Andreas; Johnson, Keith; Sandberg, Joakim and Waitzer, Edward J. (eds.): Handbook of Institutional Investment and Fiduciary Duty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Figge, F., & Hahn, T. (2013). Value Drivers of Corporate Eco-Efficiency: Management Accounting Information for the Efficient Use of Environmental Resources. Management Accounting Research, 24(4), 387-400.
- Hahn, T., Figge, F., Barkemeyer, R., & Liesen, A. (2013). Sustainable Value in Automobile Manufacturing: An analysis of the sustainability performance of the automobile manufacturers worldwide (3rd edition). Marseille, Leeds and Berlin: Sustainable Value Ltd.
- Liesen, A., Figge, F., & Hahn, T. (2013). Net Present Sustainable Value: A New Approach to Sustainable Investment Appraisal. Strategic Change, 22(3-4), 175–189.
- Hahn, T., Figge, F., & Liesen, A. (2012). Assessing Trade-offs in Investments for the Environment – The Case of a VOC-Reduction Investment at AUTO Group. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 19(2), 114–128.
- Figge, F., & Hahn, T. (2012). Is green and profitable sustainable? Assessing the trade-off between economic and environmental aspects. International Journal of Production Economics, 140(1), 92-102.
- Müller, F., Barkemeyer, R., Figge, F., Hahn, T., Liesen, A., & McAnulla, F. (2012). Sustainable Value Creation by Nordic Companies. Leeds, Marseille, and Berlin: Sustainable Value Research.
- Hahn, T., & Figge, F. (2011). Beyond the Bounded Instrumentality in Current Corporate Sustainability Research: Toward an Inclusive Notion of Profitability. Journal of Business Ethics, 104(3), 325-345.
- Barkemeyer, R., Figge, F., Hahn, T., Liesen, A., & Müller, F. (2011). Sustainable ValueCO2 Creation by Pulp & Paper Companies. Leeds, Marseille and Berlin: Sustainable Value Research.
- Figge, F., Hahn, T., & Illge, L. (2010). Nachhaltigkeitsleistung von Unternehmen bewerten mit dem Sustainable Value: Von Schadens- zu Opportunitätskosten. Ökologisches Wirtschaften (3/2010), 30-34.
- Liesen, A., Müller, F., Figge, F., & Hahn, T. (2010). Sustainable Value Creation by Chemical Companies. Berlin, Belfast and Marseille: Sustainable Value Ltd.
- Hahn, T.; Figge, F.; Liesen, A. & Barkemeyer, R. (2010): Opportunity Cost Based Analysis of Corporate Eco-Efficiency: A Methodology and its Application to the CO2-Efficiency of German Companies. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(10), 1997-2007.
- Figge F. & Hahn, T. (2009): Not measuring sustainable value at all: A response to Kuosmanen and Kuosmanen. Ecological Economics, 69(2), 244-249.
- Barkemeyer, R.; Figge, F.; Hahn, T.; Liesen, A.; Schuler, V. & Wald, E. (2009): Zielorientiertes Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement mit dem Sustainable-Value-Ansatz am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie und der BMW Group. Wall, F. & Schröder, R. (Hrsg.): Controlling zwischen Shareholder Value und Stakeholder Value – Neue Anforderungen, Konzepte und Instrumente. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 289-308.
- Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2008): Sustainable Investment Analysis with the Sustainable Value Approach – A Plea and a Methodology to Overcome the Instrumental Bias in Socially Responsible Investment Research. Progress in Industrial Ecology, 5(3), 255-272.
- Hahn, T.; Figge, F. & Liesen, A. (2008): CO2-Performance deutscher Unternehmen: Eine wertorientierte Analyse. UmweltWirtschaftsForum, 16(2), 73-79.
- Figge, F.; Hahn, T. & Liesen, A. (2008): Ökoeffizientes Wirtschaften rechnet sich. Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, 2008(2), 106-108.
- Hahn, T.; Liesen, A.; Figge, F. & Barkemeyer, R. (2008): Sustainable Value in der Automobilproduktion. Umweltmagazin, 6-2008, 57-58.
- Liesen, A.; Hahn, T. & Figge, F. (2007): Sustainable Value deutscher Unternehmen. Umweltmagazin, 10/11,57-58.
- Figge, F.; Hahn, T. & Liesen, A. (2008): The Sustainable Value Approach. Triple Bottom Line, 4, 28.
- Hahn, T.; Figge, F. & Barkemeyer, R. (2007): “Sustainable Value Creation among Companies in the Manufacturing Sector”, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 7(5/6), 496-512. (Click here [238 KB]
to download. With kind permission of INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS.) - Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2006): Sustainable Value europäischer Unternehmen”, Umweltperspektiven, (Oktober 2006), 29-31.
- Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2006): “Looking for Sustainable Value”, Environmental Finance, 7(8), 34-35.
- Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2005): “The Cost of Sustainability Capital and the Creation of Sustainable Value by Companies”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 9(4), 47-58. (Click here [125 KB]
to download. With kind permission of MITPRESS.) - Figge, F. & Hahn, T, (2005): “Sustainable Value – Ein wertorientierter Ansatz zur Ermittlung der Nachhaltigkeitseffizienz und der nachhaltigen Wertschöpfung von Unternehmen”, in: Busch, T. & Liedke, C. (Hrsg.): Materialeffizienz: Potenziale bewerten, Innovationen fördern, Beschäftigung sichern. München: ökom, 203-216.
- Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2005): “Créer de la valeur durable. Un nouvel impératif pour les entreprises françaises : les cas de Danone SA.”, Ressources Humaines pour Décideurs, (Décembre 2005), 3-4.
- Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2004): “Value-oriented impact assessment: the economics of a new approach to impact assessment”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 47(6), 921-941. (Click here for access via Taylor & Francis.)
- Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2004): “Nachhaltige Wertschöpfung. Wie kann eine wertorientierte Logik in den Kapitaleinsatz von Unternehmen einfließen?” Zukünfte, 13(47), 48-49.
- Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2004): “Euro statt Öko-Punkte. Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit von Unternehmen”, Politische Ökologie, 90, 78-79 (Click here [29 KB]
to download – with kind permission of oekom Verlag GmbH). - Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2004): The Cost of Sustainable Capital. An Assessment of Sustainable Value Creation of Companies. Leeds and Berlin: University of Leeds and Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment. Contact us to receive a copy of this discussion paper.
- Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2004): “Sustainable Value Added. Measuring Corporate Contributions to Sustainability Beyond Eco-Efficiency”, Ecological Economics, 48(2), 173-187 (Click here for access via sciencedirect)
- Figge, F. & Hahn, T. (2004): “Sustainable Value Added – ein neues Maß des Nachhaltigkeitsbeitrags von Unternehmen am Beispiel der Henkel KGaA”, Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, 73(1), 126-141 (Click here to download [185 KB]
. With kind permission of DIW.) - Figge, F. (2001): “Environmental Value Added – Ein neues Maß zur Messung der Öko-Effizienz”, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Umweltforschung, 14(1-4), 184-197. (Click here [153 KB]
to download. With kind permission of Analytica and ZAU).
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